• Sept. 20, 2016

20 September–7 October 2016

For more information about the festival and available discounts visit

Open for viewing before the festival’s events, from 6 pm, at the KCH’s Ground Floor Foyer
From Sand, Water and Iron
Concert-installation by Yiorgis Sakellariou (Greece / UK)

Meet the artist on September 22nd, during the interval (around 7.15 pm)

Tuesday 20 September, 6.30 pm
Jauna Muzika Choir of Vilnius Municipality

Artistic Director and Conductor Vaclovas Augustinas
Michele Tadini, Antonello Raggi
(electronics, Italy)

Programme: Arvo Pärt, Justė Janulytė

Tickets: EUR 10, 14 | Check the available discounts.

Thursday 22 September, 6.30 pm
“Violin, Viola & Video Virtuosity”
Karen Bentley Pollick
(violin, viola; USA)

Programme: pieces for violin, viola and video artworks
Music by: Ayal Adler, Žibuoklė Martinaitytė, Gediminas Gelgotas, Ole Saxe, Loreta Narvilaitė, Dominique de Williencourt, David A. Jaffe, Randall Woolf, Neil Rolnick & Brian C. Moon
Videos by: Philip Van Keuren, Evaldas Arlauskas, Ole Saxe, Donatas Bielkauskas, Fred Kolouch, Mary Harron & John C. Walsh, John J. A. Jannone & The Night Bears, Aistė Ptakauskė, Stuart Diamond

Tickets: EUR 10 | Check the available discounts.

Wednesday 28 September, 6.30 pm
“Japanese Gardens”
Camilla Hoitenga
(flutes, Germany / USA)
Norbert Krämer (percussion, Germany)

Programme: pieces for piccolo, concert, alto and bass flutes, percussion and electronics by Mike Svoboda, Karola Obermueller, Benjamin Broening, Kaija Saariaho, Mark Chambers, David Bohn, Yoshihiro Kanno, Loreta Narvilaitė, Noriko Nakamura

Tickets: EUR 10 | Check the available discounts.

Friday 30 September, 6.30 pm
“Rites for the Orchestra”
Chamber Orchestra
Artistic Director and Soloist Mindaugas Bačkus (cello)
With the participation of Joris Sodeika (piano)
Vladas Šerstobojevas (video)

Programme: Gintaras Sodeika, Nijolė Sinkevičiūtė, Jurgita Mieželytė, John Tavener

Tickets: EUR 10 | Check the available discounts.

Tuesday 4 October, 6.30 pm
Minimal Soundscapes”
The Gothenburg Combo:
David Hansson, Thomas Hansy (guitars, Sweden)

Programme: Terry Riley, Steve Reich, members of the Gothenburg Combo

Tickets: EUR 10 | Check the available discounts.

Thursday 6 October, 6.30 pm
“Music for the Silent Film”
Chamber Orchestra
Artistic Director Mindaugas Bačkus
Soloists: Vyacheslav Ganelin (piano, Lithuania / Israel), Arkadij Gotesman (percussion)

Programme: Part I – Vyacheslav Ganelin, Alfred Schnittke, Osvaldas Balakauskas;
Part II – soloists’ live improvisations for the silent film by Alfred Hitchcock The Lodger: A Story of the London Fog

Tickets: EUR 10, 14 | Check the available discounts.

Friday 7 October, 6.30 pm
“Four Saxophones and the Orchestra”
Lithuanian National Symphony Orchestra

Artistic Director and Chief Conductor Modestas Pitrėnas
Signum Saxophone Quartet
: Blaž Kemperle, Erik Nestler, Alan Lužar, Guerino Bellarosa (Germany)

Programme: Vladas Jakubėnas, Philip Glass, Igor Stravinsky

Tickets: EUR 10, 14 | Check the available discounts.