Crucial Features

Formed in 2016, all-girl trio Crucial Features have been continually mixing melody with brutality. With all members born right before the turn of 21st century, they soon became engaged in the Lithuanian music scene, which at the time had no female role models to follow. Right after releasing their debut single “Miršta Sovietynas” (eng. Dying Sovietism), the band provoked plenty of serious discussions about the socially and culturally damaging heritage of the Soviet era. Recently the band released their new EP “Kaprizai” (eng. Caprices), the subject matter of which deals with the absurd mindset of the ones who believe that emotionally violent topics are not dialogue worthy. Fast, full of rage and sincere cynicism driven by catchy riffs, dynamic vocals and vigorous drums, the band continues paving their way to confront social issues, inequality and stereotypes of post-soviet Lithuanian society.

Crucial Features - Badmetis

Crucial Features - Badmetis

Crucial Features - Muštynės

Crucial Features - Muštynės


“It’s aggressive, cynical and insurgent.”

Formed in 2016, all-girl trio Crucial Features have been continually mixing melody with brutality. With all members born right before the turn of 21st century, they soon became engaged in the Lithuanian music scene, which at the time had no female role models to follow. Right after releasing their first single “Miršta Sovietynas” (eng. Dying Sovietism), the band provoked plenty of serious discussions about the socially and culturally damaging heritage of the Soviet era. In 2018, the band released their debut EP “Kaprizai” (eng. Caprices), the subject matter of which deals with the absurd mindset of the ones who believe that emotionally violent topics are not dialogue worthy and started working on new material. With their first full-length album “Venera Budo” (eng. The Awakening of Venus), Crucial Features are digging into subjects of beauty, the cult of vanity and “woke” culture hoping to find an awakening of their own.

Fast, full of rage and sincere cynicism driven by catchy riffs, dynamic vocals and vigorous drums, the band continues paving their way to confront social issues, inequality and stereotypes of post-soviet Lithuanian society.

Kotryna Verbylaitė