Vaškevičius’ Polka 01′33″
March to accompany bridesmaids 01′22″
I Rode Through the Pine Forest (wedding/matchmaking song) 01′40″
Old-Fashioned Waltz 02′41″
It’s So Delicious to Drink (song with food and drink) 00′43″
Jurgis Stankevičius’ Little Polka 01′20″
An Old Man Had a White Goat (children’s song) 00′55″
Skritskis’ Waltz 02′36″
Žiūkas’ Polka 01′43″
The Wind Blew the Oak Tree (rye-harvesting song) 02′26″
Sextet 01′28″
Old Shepherd With a Cane 01′08″
Belorussian Polkas 03′03″
When We Were Two Brothers (wedding/acquaintance-making song) 01′41″
Petrauskas’ Little Polka 01′45″
Domas Lileikis’ Polka 02′10″
Domas Lileikis’ Polka
Beneath the Linden, the Green Linden (wedding/acquaintance-making song) 02′03″
Popiera’s Polka 01′19″
The Old Polka 02′01″
The Little Duck Swam (family song) 01′26″
The Little Duck Swam (family song)
Intitis 02′02″
Oh, Oak, You Green Little Tree (wedding/first wedding night song) 02′24″
Oh, Oak, You Green Little Tree (wedding/first wedding night song)
Žiūkas’ Waltz 02′08″
Žiūkas’ Waltz
High-Pitched Polka 02′06″
Minor Polka 01′43″
The Laughter Polka 02′14″
Drink, Drink, Brothers (wedding/engagement song) 01′18″
The “Dance and Frolic Like Mad” Polka 01′58″
March with Elbow Grease 02′09″
March of the Ramovėnai 04′34″
Music: Emerikas Gailevičius; lyrics: Kazys Inčiūra