A full-blooded Samogitian, born in North Western Lithuania, in the town of Skuodas. Though living in Vilnius, she has retained her native dialect and singing tradition. The singing of the Samogitian women is usually low-pitched and languid, thus Loreta Sungailienė is not a typical 'Samogitian' singer. Her voice is high, graceful and capable of the most subtle melodic twists. The singer's distinctive interpretation stems not only from the timbre of her voice, but also from her romantic and lyrical nature. She spreads Samogitian songs both solo and with her group Virvytė. The singer also willingly takes part in various crossover projects.
Daiva Račiūnaitė-Vyčinienė
Vuoj strazdeli, strazdeli - Bernelis supava – vestuvių (Raseinių r., Ginčaičių k.)
Vuoj strazdeli, strazdeli - Ont vėina vingė – vestuvių (Palanga)