The folk group Jorė has reached the third decade of existing and has given numerous perfomances both in Lithuania and abroad. The name of the group describes the nature experiencing its spring rebirth and the first greenness after the long winter cold. The group has special programmes for calendar festivities (Advent, Christmas, Shrove Tuesday, Midsummer's Day), Mother's Day, All Souls' Day as well as programmes reflecting the music of interwar Lithuania and Lithuanian regions. The group has an abundant collection of musical instruments - about 10 different wind instruments, kanklės (zithers), cimbolai (dulcimers), violins, folk bass, concertinas, different accordions (Peterburgska, Hohner, Russian Chromka, etc), different percussion instruments. Nearly all instruments, including several accordions, were produced by folk masters on the model of museum exhibits.
Lithuanian Folk Songs and Music - Dijūta kalneli
Lithuanian Folk Songs and Music - Treputė martela
Lithuanian Folk Songs and Music - Už jūrų marių
Lithuanian Folk Songs and Music - Šių naktelį
Lithuanian Folk Songs and Music - Polka be zakietkų